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Enjoy free shipping on any purchase of HKD 800.00 or above! (for Local Delivery, Local Pickup).
** Extra freight cost to be charged for overseas customer order **
購物滿 HKD 800.00即享免運費優惠(適用於 本地送貨、本地取貨 ) . **海外客戶訂購需收取額外運費**
Hong Kong's professional tea culture and tea therapy
for health preservation education platform

Promoted Chinese and Hong Kong tea culture for the Hong Kong Tourism Board, and was interviewed by local and overseas media, magazines, newspapers, radio and television programs, and international chambers of commerce.
** Invited by the Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) to promote Chinese & Hong Kong tea culture and interviewed by local and overseas media, magazines, newspapers, radio, TV and international chamber of commerce **

為兒童至成人, 按個人/團體/學校/公司設計不同茶活動及講座, 也可粵語/普通話/英語進行指導
** Customized Design for Children to Adult , by Individual/Group/School/Company
and our Tea master can conduct in Cantonese/Mandarin/English **

** We provide Tea Event Planning, Corporate Tea Art &
Tea Appreciation Activities and Professional Training Services **

** Invited to visit different countries for tea professional training & tea culture promotion **

** Participate in social welfare and NGO group services **

Tea Culture Study Tour (more than 60 different tea plantation areas have been explored)
** Tea Culture Study Tour (explored more than 60 different tea plantation areas) **

** Organize different Online or Offline Tea Courses **

** Cooperate with professional wedding planner, hotel and catering industry groups **

** Tea gift customization for retails & wholesales **

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